A course specifically designed for children who have a strong background in French obtained from an extended stay in a Francophone country or French-speaking relatives.
It is based on the French primary school curriculum and adapted to the students' level, in order to help them maintain their level of French and develop a bilingual education that will allow the participating children to develop writing and reading skills in French, through interactive and fun activities. Please note that we may have different levels in the classes.
Classes are taught by native French teachers from Alliance Française de Christchurch. All our teachers are qualified in teaching
FLE (French as a second language) and FLAM (Francais Langue Maternelle, and/or trained as primary school teachers in France.
Price: $155 /term /child (10 sessions) or $139.50/term /child (9 sessions)
If you are unsure if this is the right course for you, we invite you to contact us and to come in for an appointment with our Education Coordinator who will be able advise you the best option:
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